Thursday, February 25, 2016

Crash Bandicoot v. Pac-man

You ever sat down with your parents or your grandparents and watched a boxing match. You ever wonder who'd win in a fight between the champ of their generation and yours ? Like what if Floyd Mayweather Jr fought Mike Tyson; who'd win. Well I think thats the closest we'll get in comparison to this match-up. Pac-man the 80's super-powered ghost buster vs Crash Bandicoot, the evolved bandicoot from the 90's. I'll be breaking down their skills, experience, and weapons to see who'd win in a fight to the DEATH!!!

Pac-man is your friendly neighborhood ghost eater based off of of a slice of pizza with an eight of it missing. Pac-man in the early games was a round figure that could only eat pellets and attack his phantom adversaries by eating his power pellets. But in the Pac-man world games he gained new abilities, skills, and limbs.

  • Butt-Bounce - Pac-man bonces on his butt causing a huge explosion and destroys his enemies

  • Rev Roll - Pac-man runs in place and rolls in a ball in any direction. It can also destroy enemies.

  • Pac-dot Shoot - Pac-man can shoot a ball from his hand like a bullet to damage his enemies.

  • Super Pac-dot Shoot - A shotgun version of the Pac-dot Shot

  • Flip Kick- A flip kick. You've seen one, you've seen them all.

  • Punch - Do I really have to explain ?

  • Triple Butt Bounce - A butt bounce three times that creates a shockwave killing 2 enemies at a time

  • Electro Shock - Pac-man can shoot electricity from his hands, damaging and stunning enemies

  • Ribbon ring Power - Pac-man runs around with a light trail creating a ring around his enemies

  • Steel Body - Pac-man can turn into steel. His defensive increases and can with stand fire and lava.

  • Shrink Pellet - Pac-man shrinks to a smaller size making him weaker but unnoticeable to enemies.

Crash Bandicoot

Your friendly, charismatic, adventurous hyper evolved Bandicoot. Guided by tiki spirits and ass kicker of evil genius'. As an evolved Bandicoot, Crash has enhanced strength, speed, agility, can crawl on walls, spin at high speeds, dig, and has fought titans, evil doctors, and mystical tiki spirits. Crash is strong enough to lift titans, control titans, and is unaffected by mind control.
Here are his power-ups.
  • Super Charged Body Slam - a belly flop with a medium range that crushes anything beneath him and destroys locks and crates.

  • Double Jump- Crash can jump his height and jump again while in the air (approximately 4 crates high).

  • Death Tornado - Crash can spin at high speeds for a long amount of time. Crash can glide over gaps, move faster in water, and evade traps and obstacles while spinning.

  • Fruit Bazooka - Crash uses a bazooka that fires his wampa fruit but immobilizes him. It usually kills a single foe with one blast.

  • Crash Dash - Crash can run faster than his normal high speed.

  • Sneak Shoes - Shoes that slow Crash's movement.

  • Super Slide - Crash can slide for an extended period of time.

  • Rocket Jump - Crash jumps vertically and crash through any crates in his way.

  • Aku Aku - A tiki spirit mask that crash can use to defend himself. After breaking 3 Aku Aku crates Crash can temporarily become invincible and destroy every opponent or crate he touches.2 crates Aku Aku can take 2 hits of damage.



Crash has more fighting experience with trained opponents than Pac-man. Also even though Pac-man might have a more deadlier arsenal than Crash, Crash's Arsenal is made to avoid his opponent and strike when the opportunity presents itself.  Also Aku Aku is a hidden variable. Crash is temporarily invincible and can destroy all opponents and obstacles with a single touch. With that information the winner is Crash Bandicoot.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Subway Surfer v. Temple Run

Do you have games on your phone ? I'm sure we all have that one little kid on our blocks that always looks over our shoulders as we're texting waiting to play a game on our phones and kill our batteries. When I first got my iPhone the two games my sisters would ask me for is Temple Run and Subway Surfer. Now neither of theses characters are fighters, but I wonder which one of these iPhone champions would win in a race to the death. Lets break down their accomplishments, powers, and skills. We will use standard power-ups (1 of each) and stats for both characters. No upgrades ! 

Jake is the default character in Subway Surfers and our racer in today's face off. In Jake's arsenal we have 
  • Hover-board - A Back to the Future like item that last for 30 seconds. and in those 30 seconds Jake will be protected from crashing. But when it crashes the hover-board will explode and have to recharge after a few seconds.
  • Jet pack- This item give Jake the ability to fly and becomes invincible to everything. Also last for 30 seconds
  • Super Sneakers- Jake wears these sneakers and can bounce with every step, allowing him to jump over obstacles.
  • Power Jumper- A pogo stick like item that allows the character to make a super jump in the air
  • Mega Head-start - An upgraded version of the head-start (which is no longer available) that will allow you to zoom in the sky for 30 seconds and allow you to avoid all obstacles in the beginning of the game.
Guy Dangerous
Guy is the default character in Temple Run and our other racer in the face off. In Guy's arsenal we have
  • Invisibility- Guy becomes immune to all obstacles (30 seconds) and fills in holes and gaps in the ground. 

  • Speed Boost - Boost Guy forward a certain distance and he is unable to die (approximately 8 seconds) and is under control of the game for this duration. 


The Subway Surfer

Both players have good power ups and half of them I chose not to include because they focus on coins and not survival. So when we factor in only the performance power-ups, Jake has a bigger arsenal than Guy. However if we allowed upgrades in the Face-off maybe Guy would have a better chance.