Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Tournament Finals

Now this is an upset.

I ran the bracket at random 3 times and it turns out that Asura and Jin basically slaughtered everyone. If I could animate this it would be beautiful, but sadly I'm not that good. So lets refer back to our knowledge about Jin and Asura. Asura has five transformations and is an experienced fighter. Asura also once defeated Ryu in combat and went toe to toe with Oni. In his final form I'm more than confident Asura can defeat Oni if it came down to it. Jin's devil form however makes him a tank. He's taken as much of a beating as Asura, but he can also dish it out. I think his slight edge is his temporary invulnerability. If you've following Warcade please leave a comment below of who you think should win between Jin and Asura.

Monday, April 11, 2016


These are the end times of The Warcade. So to have some fun I decided to do a tournament of all the participants. The seeds for the tournament are completely random and can be viewed below.  I hope you enjoy, it's been a pleasure. If you want me to continue comment and I'll consider it.

Who Do You Got ?

Kratos v. Asura

Have you ever wanted to do the impossible? If so you probably love video games. But imagine if you could be a total badass and slay gods. Now imagine if there was another badass out there who could slay gods too. Wouldn't it be cool if they fought to the death. Kratos the former god of war and son of Zeus verses Asura the destroyer of everything. It's time to study their skills and see who would win in a fight to the death.

Kratos, the ghost of Sparta is a ruthless Spartan demi-god (Zeus' Kid that's not Hercules) who became a servant of Aires, later replacing Aires as god of war, and eventually the killer of both titans and gods.
  • Blades of Exile - Twin short swords connected by chain that are burned to Kratos' arms that can grab objects or people. They can also emit fire. 
  • Blade of Olympus - A five foot long blade filled with god power that can kill both titan and olympic god.
  • The Golden Fleece - A magical gauntlet that can defend attacks including the blade of Olympus.
  • Bow of Apollo - Can rapidly fire long range fire arrows within a magic limit.
  • Claws of Hades - Blades that can rip souls from bodies and can summon souls. However depending on the opponent the claws can be resisted.
  • Nemean Cestus - Lion shaped gauntlets that grant Kratos super strength and can create shockwaves on impact.
  • Boots of Hermes - Gives Kratos super speed.
  • Icarus Wings - Gives Kratos the ability to fly.
Asura, one of the seven deities, general, and demi-god. Destroyer of the other six deities and slayer of the creator.

  • Large Mantra Supply - Asura has a large amount of Mantra. So much that he has trouble containing it  causing him to transform. He also gains more Mantra the angrier he gets.
  • Fist projectile - Asura throws a punch from a considerable and the force of the punch takes a projectile form of a fist.
  • Vjra Asura - A form where Asura's arms are coated in a golden metallic armor. 
  • Six Armed Asura - Vajra Asura but with the addition of four (4) metallic arms sprouting from his body. Using Mantra it allows him to destroy weak opponents with ease.
  • Berserk Asura - When enraged and consumed by mantra Asura can generate four (4) additional phantom arms made of concentrated Mantra from the portals on his back. The arms, including Asura himself, are capable of releasing large amounts of Mantra; even Asura's screams produce booming shock waves. Berserker Asura was enough to decimate an entire Shinkoku armada and challenge the Brahmastra directly.
  • Mantra AsuraAsura's rage is focused, harnessing the excess Mantra into power and increasing the size and armor of his arms to hulking. These arms possess the strength of a thousand arms and can vent jets of Mantra for increased agility and striking power.
  • Mantra Reactor Asura - It allows Asura to channel as much power as he needs into it and will no longer turn into his Berserker or Wrath forms because his anger can no longer destroy his body. It allows him to use his power in even stronger ways than ever, increasing his abilities to levels never before seen, even in his most basic transformation.
  • Asura The Destructor - In this form his skin becomes grey-colored and he manifests six arms identical in appearance to those of his Mantra form. His power in this stage is immense and godlike. His blasts destroyed multiple stars and planets and was able to punch a planet at least a hundred times bigger than him to the point where it broke apart.

And the winner is ...


Asura is simply just more powerful than Kratos. Kratos magic supply and arsenal isn't powerful enough to destroy planets and stars. Also Kratos' energy doesn't replenish based on his rage. The characters are very similar but the worlds are too different. In Asura's world the demigods are just too much for a warrior like Kratos to handle.