Saturday, March 26, 2016

Jin v. Ryu

They say that a true martial artist trains in order to beat themselves not their opponent. Although that might be true I'd rather watch somebody get their ass handed to them. Jin the king of the iron fist tournament and heir to the Mishima Zaibatsu versus Ryu, the street fighter and master of Hado. I will be reviewing their skills, abilities, and experiences to see who would win in a fight to the death.


Incredible fighter trained in the art of Ansatsuken (Assassins fist) and a master of Ki (life energy)which is used for Hado (a form of ki). Ryun has survived impalement, the raging demon attack, and deflected/dodged bullets.


  • Hado
  1. Shoryuken (Rising Dragon Fist) - An extremely powerful upper cut.
  2. Hadoken (Wave Motion Fist) - A projectile blast composed of life energy and will.
  3. Tatsumaki Senpukyaku (Tornado Whirlwind Leg) - Using his leg as a propeller Ryu temporarily flies in the air to strike his opponent. Can also be used to avoid attacks.
  4. Joudan Sokutogeri (Axe Foot) - A swift step kick to the stomach.
  • Satsui no Hado (Surge of Murderous Intent) - Also known as the Dark Hado. Increases speed, strength, and durability.
  1. The Raging Demon - A technique that turns ones sins against them.
  2. Brief teleportation
  3. Every other Hado technique amplified. 
  • Power of Nothingness - Ryu removes himself of all emotion increases power beyond the Dark Hado

Jin Kazama
Heir to the Mishima Zaibatsu. Master of three styles of Karate. Part man, part devil, and all around bad ass.


  • Karate
  1. Master of Kazaa style Karate
  2. Master of Mishima style Karate
  3. Master of traditional Karate.
  • Devil Jin - Jin's demon form that activates when enraged. He becomes faster, stronger, and more durable. He even survived a fall from space, which he can survive in. 
  1. Laser Beams - Jin can shoot lasers from his eye balls.
  2. Telekinesis - The ability to move objects with your mind.
  3. Flight
  • Demonic Aura - Jin focuses on one goal and becomes invincible by surrounding himself in a demonic aura.


Jin Kazama

If we took the devil gene and dark hado out of this fight, I think Ryu would definitely kick Jin's ass. But Jin is beyond just murderous intent infused will power. His devil gene is out of this world; literally. If we put both fighters up against each other in their strongest state. Jin would be invincible and Ryu would be unstoppable but till vulnerable. I have to give it to Jin.

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