Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Spyro The Dragon v. Knack

Quick question for you guys. Which Playstation has the best games? The PS1 or The PS4? Better question: which Playstation had the most fun games? I think thats a battle for another day, but today we have Knack the newest edition to the Playstation heroes (exclusively on the PS4) and Spyro the veteran dragon from the PS1/PS2 era. I'll be breaking down their skills, abilities, and experience to see who would win in a fight to the death.

Spyro the Dragon

Spyro The Dragon is a friendly and tenacious little dragon that makes up for his size with overwhelming power.

Dragon Breath: Spyro can breathe a variety of breath attacks at his enemies.
  1. Fire: Spyro's main breath, which is used to destroy his foes or melt ice.
  2. Water: Slows down enemies and can only hurt fire based opponents and kill fodder.
  3. Bubble: Similar to the water breath, is used instead to capture dragonflies.
  4. Ice: Can freeze enemies and male them weaker for attack.
  5. Electricity: To charge machinery and stun foes.
  6. Wind: Originally to push Spyro backwards, but through further practice was able to create tornados to attack foes.
Power-ups: A list of enhancements to Spyro's normal abilities. (All abilities have a time limit)
  1. Super-flame: Powerful fireballs in place of Spyro's normal fire breath. 
  2. Super-fly: Flight instead of gliding.
  3. Invincibility: Immune to enemy attacks and obstacles such as lava and acid.
  4. Supercharge: A fast charge used for smashing items and attacking enemies.
  • Dragon Time: The ability to slow down time temporarily to defeat his foes.
  • Dragon Kata: Ancient Dragon Martial Arts used to defeat creatures of the shadow realm.
  • Climbing: Self explanatory.
  • Wall Kick: A kick off the wall.
  • Wing Shield: Spyro uses his wings as a shield to protect himself.
  • Headbash: A charged head-butt.
  • Swimming: A sport or activity.


A mysterious golem like creature made from ancient relics (similar to lego blocks) that allow him to change form, size, and kick goblin ass. The more relics he absorbs the bigger he can grow. When he's damaged he loses relics until he's smaller and in his weakest state.

  • Melee Attack: A simple punch.
  • Air Attack: Knack jumps into the air and kicks the enemy.
  • Sweep Attack: Knack dodges an attack then sweeps his arm. Hitting his opponents from a flank.
  • Dodge: A well timed evasion of an opponents attack.
  • Jump: C'mon really.
  • Quadruple Jump: A jump...four times 
Sunstone Attacks: Attacks using collected sunstone energy that give Knack temporarily invulnerability when in use.
  1. Ranged Attack: Knack can fire his relics with sunstone energy in them to attack multiple enemies at once.
  2. Shockwave: A massive wave of sunstone energy is released damaging all enemies in the radius.
  3. Tornado: Using his own relics Knack can create a tornado around his body damaging all opponents that come near him.
Transformations: Different forms Knack can take when going into battle.
  1. Ice: Turns his body into ice and makes him more durable. However he's susceptible to melting.
  2. Metal: Although Knack becomes stronger and more durable he also becomes magnetic.
  3. Wood: Knack turns to the wood and sets himself on fire making him more powerful but will eventually hurt him.
  4. Stealth: Can become completely undetected.
  5. Vampire: Constantly loses health, but gains new relics after defeating an enemy.
  6. Dark: Can take my damage than regular knack, but absorbs energy slower.
  7. Sunstone: Collects sunstone energy quicker allowing Knack to perform sunstone attacks much faster and consistently.
  8. Massive Knack: A giant version of Knack made of relics. His attacks and defense are much stronger due to the amount of relics he accumulated.
  9. Diamond Knack: The strongest version of Knack with absolutely no weaknesses. Strongest attacks, defense, and can absorb energy more efficiently.

And The Winner Is ?

Spyro The Dragon

Spyro is a power house. He has a wide variety of attacks that handle anything that Knack throws at him. Also what really hurts Knack is that his health comes from his relic parts. The more parts Knack loses the more health he loses and from what we see in the game it is very easy for Knack to fall apart piece by piece. The winner is Spyro.

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